Leverage the Issues to Increase Engagement

When my kids tell me they’re going to run out to the shop and use some of my tools I immediately pre-accuse them of not putting them back when they’re done.  “Dad, we’ll definitely put them back.”  To which my response is always “You tell me you’ll put them back, but you show me I’ll walk in there and find my tools scattered all over the floor.”  Don’t tell me, show me.

No place is this more true than in advertising.  Through my political campaign advertising I have recently been working with a candidate on a county judge campaign and we’ve been showing a series of videos discussing various topics from experience to military background to 2nd amendment rights and so on.  In our interview process I discovered he had some very compelling thoughts and “insider insight” into the local drug epidemic in our community.  So off we went to set up a camera and get some footage.  I set up a Facebook video ad with the “reach” objective and targeted both democratic and republican registered voters with tailored messages.  The engagement was outstanding!  It was such an emotional, “hot button” issue and the audience was intensely aware of what a big problem it is.  The community in general is desperate for a solution to the drugs and were quick to spread the candidates message.  This turned a 1-day advertising campaign with a total reach of about 6000 to a total of right around 10,000 when you add in organic reach (organic – read FREE through shares).  We leveraged the hot button issue to place the candidate in the position of being the expert.  And he is an expert!  There was nothing deceiving here.

Humans consistently “show” that there are certain interests/issues they are more passionate about.  Campaign advertising is so effective because it falls right in line with both religious issues and social issues.  If we’re being honest, an individuals party affiliation is darn near a religion in itself.

Check out the average industry open rates from Constant Contact, an email marketing service.  **Side note I’ll bet they cooked the data as I doubt they are actually this good across the board when I look at all the mediocre emails I get **  But look at the 2 highest open rates by industry.  Religious and social issues.  The data shows that we are intensely interested in basically all things politics through these 2 topics.  Is it any wonder my candidates post received an extra 60% free boost from people passionate about this issue, one that has basically touched everyone in the county in some way?  And here the other candidate is sending out mailers of pictures at a table in the office and with crossed arms.

Not exactly shareable content.