Areas of Expertise

Adwords Expertise

Google Ads

Formerly Google Adwords, the new Google Ads includes both Google search advertising as well as Youtube ads.  Google Ads are a great starting point as they show ads to users actively searching for a product (often with the intent of purchase).  The key here is relevance.  Google wants to sell lots of ads to folks like you, and you can help them do that by writing up ads and selecting keywords that get clicked on.  It's simple really.  If your ad gets clicked on twice as often as your competitors ad, Google gets paid twice as often.  That means your cost per click (CPC) goes down and your traffic goes up.  Your competitor?  Left in your dust...

Facebook Ads

You have to go where the attention is.  Right now it's on Facebook.  Do you know what Facebook does while you're liking photos and watching videos and getting in heated arguments you'd never have face-to-face?  They're profiling you.  And they probably know you better than you know yourself.  Seriously though, the tools available for advertising on Facebook are outstanding and the prices are rock bottom (for now).  You can even upload your customer's physical mailing list and market to them.  Then you can create a new audience cloned from your customer list and market to them!  The key with Facebook Ads is having a clear direction.  Boosting a post periodically won't get you where you need to be and you're only using a tiny chunk of what's available to you.

Facebook Expertise
Email Marketing Expertise

Email Marketing

This one is so simple and so clearly effective it's shocking how many people don't use it.  Sure, the days of 90% open rates are left back in the year 2002, but 30% or more open rates are absolutely still in play.  What if you had a list of customers and prospects that had 5000 names and you could quickly get in touch with 1500 of them at any given time?  That's amazing!  And these Email services are cheap!  It's such a no-brainer.  Every time there is some important news or a sale at your business your website should say it, you should advertise it to your customer list on Facebook, and you should send an email out about it.  There's just no excuse these days not to be firing on all cylinders with all these tools in unison.

Copy Writing

The number 1 mistake most businesses make on their website is listing facts and figures in place of benefits and convenience.  People purchase based on emotion, and then use reason to support their decision.  Predictably irrational you might say.  The most visually appalling websites can be the highest converting if the author knows how to identify the problem a customer is facing and paint a picture of how the given product/service would solve it.  All the traffic in the world will run you broke if you can't sell once they hit the page.  It all works together.

Copy Writing Expertisse
SEO Expertise

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in it's most basic form just isn't as big of a deal as people make it out to be for most businesses.  The key is to understand which keywords or phrases are most profitable to your business as well as the competition around those keywords.  From there it's a matter of strategy.  Which keywords can we optimize around (affordably) to possibly jump from 2nd or 3rd page Google results to midway through the first.  Nobody wants to pay some SEO guy $10k per month to write guest post articles to boost your ranking on some ultra high competition keyword.  SEO is all about bang for your buck and there's plenty of low hanging fruit if you know where to look.

It All Works Together

Individually they are each effective, but together they're explosive.

You start off with a website.  You do some Google Ads advertising to get some prospects and sales.  Looking at the keywords your bidding on in Google Ads, you're able to figure the highest traffic, most profitable keywords to optimize around for SEO.  From there, you start populating a list of website visitors from your paid and organic traffic to continue to market to.   Start sending Emails to them about your promotions and upsells.  Upload that list to Facebook and advertise there as well.  To expand further create a lookalike audience from your customer list to market to.  To finish it off make sure the words on your page are absolute dynamite to close the deal on all that traffic you're getting.