Product and Service Advertising

Take your great products and services to the buyers who are looking for them.

We know you’re skeptical.  Whether it’s those sketchy SEO guys pitching you on guaranteed top Google rankings or those random calls at the worst time to ask you “Who manages your marketing department?”, someone is always trying to transfer your money to their bank account.  

We’re not a bunch of low-level marketing grads taught all the wrong things by all the wrong people, using everyone else’s money but ours.  You need a digital advertising partner that learned using their own money – money which they’re still willing to use because it works.

Still skeptical?  We’ll advertise your great products without charging you a dime.  You’ll only pay us when we bring you new customers.  Our money or yours, one of our plans is sure to bring you advertising happiness.

we have a deep toolbox

Businesses are all different and what works for one may not be the best choice for another.  A quick browse through our areas of expertise would show we are well versed in all platforms.  There’s certain to be something that can be amplified through digital advertising.  The best part?  You don’t have to “turn all the lights on at once.”  Maybe just start off with some re-targeting or some Email marketing.  Let us show you we can increase your profits before you go all in.

  • Fresh Leads - This is usually some of the lowest hanging fruit if you haven't done any digital advertising before.  Google Ads would be the starting point.  We'd bid on keywords with buying intent related to your product.  These are people actively searching for a solution to their problem.  After that we could continue on to Facebook and use audiences created from web traffic to create a "Lookalike Audience" - people who fit the profile of your website's current users.  Prior to advertising this would typically come with a review of your website copy to be sure that once we get those users to your site a high percentage of them become paying customers.
  • Re-targeting - Everybody should be doing this.  There is absolutely no reason not to.  The idea here is that a website visitor who did not take an action can be showed additional ads related to your products on other platforms - predominantly Google, Facebook, and Youtube.   You know that traffic you paid for from your Fresh Leads?  This is 2nd shot at converting them into customers.  The ads can show different products or additional information or even a discount to entice a customer back.  Even if you just do it when you're having a sale, re-targeting is a no-brainer.
  • Email Marketing - Every time you have a special promotion going on or a new product offering your email list needs to hear about it.  If you use the proper tools they can easily opt out with one click and you'll be left with a list of people who like your brand and want to hear from you.  From there it's a matter of formulating an Email that has a killer subject line and copy inside that sells.  Much of this can even be automated with auto followups for people who didn't take action.  Use these tools!  They work and they're easy!

Our Advertising Plans

Zero Risk Advertising

We’ll pay for the advertising, and you’ll pay us only when you get a new customer.  With this plan, all of the pressure to perform is placed squarely on us.  You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

  1.  We’ll have a meaningful discovery interview with you about your product or service.  We’ll discuss it’s unique selling points, your advertising goals, and most importantly, what your customers are actually buying (Hint: It’s usually not your product.)
  2.  We’ll review your website and recommend updates to the copy where necessary, or build a brand new site for you if need be.  The copy review is a key step.  All the traffic in the world won’t create paying customers if you can’t resonate with their problems.  No copy updates, no deal.  The words on your site are critically important.
  3. We’ll advertise your site for you, on OUR DOLLAR, and bring you new paying customers.  In return for this steady stream of new business, you’ll provide us a commission on every new order we bring you.  In other words, we don’t get paid until you get paid.

This is the free market operating at it’s finest.  If we don’t perform, we waste our money and go out of business.  You get all of the upside and none of the downside.  Doing nothing is not an option for you.  Browse the details below and then Email us to set up your Discovery Interview.

Max Reward Advertising

There’s no better place to send out $1 in advertising and have it come back with a bunch of it’s buddies in profit than on the web.  We’ll set you up with an advertising campaign that gets results and then get out of your way. 

Anybody can set up an ad.  Can they make money off it?  Now that’s the question.

Take some comfort in this fact:  Before we ever advertised with your money, we advertised with our own.  That’s how we learned.  Do you think those twenty-somethings from the national ad management companies ever had their own money in the game?  Of course not!  It’s easy to be lazy when it’s someone else’s profit you’re burning.

One thing will become abundantly clear to you during your Discovery Interview – we’re experts.  You’ll know by the questions we ask and the details we uncover.  Advertising on the web is so much more than creating an account and running an ad.  It’s about copy, ads, keywords, bidding, and most importantly – conversions – all working together.

The “Max Reward” Advertising plan is for those of you who have recognized that online advertising is where it’s at.  You need someone to get you set up, get your ads running at peak efficiency, and then get out of the way.

Beware the ad company who doesn’t ask you about your company.  The advertising doesn’t work if we don’t understand your customer.  Email us to set up a chat.